Denver Local Bands – Cereza
“Who’s the sweetest superhero?”
“Super Woman. We’re Super Woman.”
Bright and Full of Flavor, Cereza is Coming to Sweeten up the Scene.
Mixing lo-fi guitar riffs, pop chord progressions and mellowed out drums, the self-described “Indie Surf Pop Dream” band is a local gem. Cereza has been breaking into the scene with a bang, bringing with them a musicality and groove that is fresh for the Denver market. It’s rare to see bands of their style forgo the electronic groove component, instead opting for a live drummer who can play to any room no matter how small. They are professional while still being fun, and have the ability to liven a room without overbearing the crowd. Those factors alone make Cereza versatile and very bookable. Working a room the way all musicians should, they are able to create an atmosphere around their jams that sucks you right in, because they know what the crowd really wants. With catchy melodies and sweet riffs, they are a band to watch out for in 2020. We don’t think these cherries will stay local for too long. Below are the same 4 questions we ask all bands and more info on how you can check out Cereza for yourself!

TMR: If your band could be summed up by a superhero, which one would it be and why?
Cereza: “Who’s the sweetest superhero?” “Super Woman. We’re Super Woman.”
TMR: What was your favorite show you ever played?
Cereza: “A house show on Corona & 9th and one at Lost Lake with The Grinns. It was an incredible show, we had a great time with the opening band, had the whole audience come on stage to sing “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse at the end with The Grinns and we joined too!”

TMR: What is your dream lineup to play with (Dead or Alive) + One local band
Cereza: “This would take place in a fruit garden – everyone has their own fruit – a cherry festival perhaps..”
- Los Retros
- The Marias
- Crumb
- Nuancer (Local)

TMR: What do you like about The Music Range so far?
Cereza: “There is nobody working so it feels like your own personal space, Kisi is awesome tech and it’s like your own little office. The gear sets it apart from every practice space in Colorado, free drum sticks and LaCroix – plus the rooms are big and it’s quiet.”

Upcoming Show
January 16th – Globe Hall (TICKETS)
Studio 7 at The Music Range offers this trio plenty of space to spread out and move with the tunes.
Instagram: @cereza_music
Wanna be interviewed for our blog?
These blogs have become popular and fun for artists to share and use to promote their music. We decided that since we have the ability to help promote the local scene through social media and our blog, why not extend that offer to any TMR band who would love some press?!
Email us at for more info or to schedule an interview!